Julie Maziarka
I have lived in Lake Lure since 1977 and have had careers with Duke Power and Sunny View Elementary School in Polk County. I have been an “honorary LLA member” while working and couldn’t wait to really dive in when I retired in 2016.
I consider myself more of a crafter but with the help of my talented and patient LLA friends I have expanded my creativity by experimenting with oils, acrylics, collage, and echo dying fabric and paper. I love gems, stones, pearls, classic jewelry and anything that sparkles! So my first love is collecting jewelry and making earrings that I sell at craft shows.
Making art greeting cards is also a hobby of mine and may combine photography, hand crafted paper, bling, embellishments, drawing, etc.
I am very grateful to be a part of such a talented, generous, and fun loving group as the LLA and look forward to more creative adventures!